Daily Personal Growth Plan

God is love and we were created in the image and likeness of God. The whole purpose of our existence on earth is to love. This love will be expressed by six relationships of love: love of God, love of other humans, love of self, love of nature, love of enemies, love of the poor.

Each morning we should begin by THANKING GOD for another opportunity to practice love in each of these six areas. Secondly, we should spend five or ten minutes DISCERNING how we might do a good job today in the six areas of love. Thirdly, we need to PETITION God for the grace and help to fulfill the resolutions of love we have made. Fourthly, during the day, we can fill any free moments with gratitude and love for God and with INTERCESSORY PRAYER for our loved ones and for all people in need throughout the world. Finally, each evening, we should take a few minutes to review the day, THANKING God for the grace to have practiced love in each of the six relationships and asking FORGIVENESS for any failures to love.

  1. Love of God
    Head: How can I grow in wisdom and knowledge of God today? Heart: How can I increase my desires and expectations of God? Hand: What action can I do today to express my love of God?
  2. Love of other Human Beings
    What individuals can I show a special love today? Is there anyone I need to forgive? Ask for forgiveness? What can I do to reform and help the communities to which I belong? What are the needs of the community not being fulfilled and how can I help with my God-given talents?
  3. Love of Myself
    What can I do to develop my inner self today? What part of my unconscious shadow do I need to make conscious? How can I maintain a good balance in all my activities? How can I take care of my body?
  4. Love of Nature
    Earth, environment, creation: How can I show love for animals today? Make a wider distribution of food among the have-nots of this world? Do a better job of preserving the natural resources of earth? Enjoy the beauty of God’s creation?
  5. Love of  Enemies
    Who are my enemies? How can I love them in a Christ-like way? “Be inclusive as your Heavenly Father is” (Mt: 5:48)
  6. Love of the Poor
    Authentic Sign of a True Christian!