What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is a one-to-one relationship with another individual for the purpose of obtaining spiritual guidance. “A spiritual director – or soul friend – will encourage, guide, advise, confront and challenge us on the path toward holiness,” writes Father Chet in An Introduction to Spiritual Direction.

It is not a modern concept as Aelred of Rievaulx, an English Cistercian, eloquently described the director-directee relationship in the 12th century:

A session with a spiritual director is having a respectful conversation, in a safe place, with a soul companion.

Photo by Neil Thomas on Unsplash
~ Thomas Merton, No Man is an Island

Personal relationship with God/prayer
- A spiritual autobiography
- Five hours of prayer, five hours of study per week
- Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): a tool for self-knowledge
- Four temperaments, different prayer and spirituality for each
- Lectio Divina
- Five methods of prayer using Scriptures
- How to use the four functions in prayer and spirituality
- One hour/day, one day/month, one week/year directed retreat
- Three Ps: power, pleasure, possessions
- Saint Thérèse of Lisieux’s “little way” of spiritual childhood
- Centering / contemplative prayer
- Discerning God's will
- Developing an intimate relationship with Jesus
- Love letter to Jesus, a daily spiritual journal
- Understanding the Dark Night of the Soul

Tools for spiritual growth
- Personal growth plan
- Six Cs in the journey of faith
- Seven levels of faith
- Four steps of individuation
- Twelve signs of spiritual progress
- Crises of faith by ages
- Enneagram - a tool for self-knowledge
- Personal mantra or mission statement
- Intensive journaling (Progoff)
- Feminine spirituality
- Positive attitude toward God, self, others, world, future

Tools for spiritual direction
- Guidelines for spiritual directors
- Qualities to be developed in a directee
- What to look for in choosing a spiritual director
- What to talk about in spiritual direction meetings
- Listening skills
- Practicum (training)
- Guided imagery to heal memories, relationships
- Differing world views
- Jesus's worldview, the Beatitudes
- Developing a personal worldview
- Spiritual direction with addiction
- Ministering to the sick, terminally ill, families of deceased
- Pitfalls in spiritual direction

Psychology background/knowledge for spiritual direction
- Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): a tool for self-knowledge
- Place of Jungian psychology in spiritual direction
- How to discover and use the energy of the unconscious shadow
- Law of polarity
- Recognizing the persona complexes and using their energy for growth
- Balance between femininity and masculinity (anima/animus)
- Four gender archetypes
- Spirituality of dreams

Theological concepts/knowledge for spiritual direction
- Twelve aspects of mission of Christ, the Church
- Balanced Christianity
- Theological criteria for Christian growth