The Origin of Open Door
In December of 1968, Father Chet was pastor of Holy Comforter Parish in Charlottesville, Virginia. It was his practice to mail the parish bulletin and his messages of reflections to a growing list of interested people. When he received a sizeable monetary gift to be used at his discretion, he formalized the operation and began in earnest to address a “variety of topics which might be of interest and of help in solving the problems, questions, and difficulties facing many of us today.”
This was the beginning of the Open Door publication. Over the next 40-plus years, Father Chet shared his wisdom and insights about spiritual, theological, and psychological topics. In 2020, we began republishing his messages.
The Mystery of Christmas: Finding Love Divine
Father Chet, December 2002 (republished Dec. 8, 2024)
The Incarnation is the mystery of God in human flesh which we celebrate each Christmas. A Christian mystery is not like a brick wall which is impossible to penetrate. Rather our Christian mysteries are bottomless wells of truth. It is impossible to exhaust the infinite truth contained therein. Continue Reading
Learning How to Pray, How to Listen Better
Father Chet, March 1979 (republished Oct. 4, 2024)
Our relationship with God is centered on prayer. Learning how to pray better means entering into a deeper and more personal relationship with God our heavenly Father and with Jesus our Divine Brother and Friend. To feel fulfilled in prayer and establish union with God, we need to silence our wayward thoughts and desires. As we prepare to pray, we should eliminate as far as possible our sense of independence from God. Continue Reading
Growing Greater in all Ways: Signs of Spiritual Progress
Father Chet, 2004 (republished Aug. 2, 2024)
Are we growing greater in our relationship with God? How can we tell? The Holy Spirit leads different souls in different ways. Each person’s journey of faith is unique and somewhat different from every other person. But still, it can be difficult to see ourselves clearly. This is why having a spiritual director, or guide, can help. Continue Reading
The Dark Night Leads to Experiencing the Fullness of Love
Father Chet, 1979 (republished June 12, 2024)
No matter who we are, we are all more or less enslaved to the world, to the flesh, and to the “devil.” Slavery to the world characterizes our excessive attachments to worldly things: money, honors, possessions, power, and position. The slavery to the flesh refers to our enslavement to bodily pleasures: food, drink, sex, comfort, and ease. As for the “devil,” this represents our love of self, which results in rejecting God and others. Continue Reading
The Dark Night: Being Assured We’re on the Right Road
Father Chet, 1979 (republished April 21, 2024)
Probably the most difficult part of the Dark Night of our spiritual journey is our inability to see where we are going and whether we are on the right road. We are asked to believe and trust in God’s infinite mercy and goodness. We also rely on his promises and the proof of his love in the passion and death of Jesus. Continue Reading
The Dark Night: Feeling Lost and Abandoned
Father Chet, 1979 (republished February 4, 2024)
Two of greatest mystics, St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila, both speak of the Dark Night of the Soul: that feeling of being abandoned by God. Such a time may bring a conviction that God is far away, and we have lost our way on the spiritual journey. This often follows some beautiful spiritual experience like a meaningful retreat. After discovering a sense of clarity of the reality and presence of God, one is inclined to imagine that this new understanding means never going back to the dull days of the past. Yet typically the feeling of closeness to God fades. Continue Reading
2023 Messages
Mercy, Trials, Amen: More on the Lord's Prayer, Part III
Father Chet, 1977 (republished February 11, 2023)
How to Encounter God: An Easter Message of Love
Father Chet, 1978 (republished April 16, 2023)
Living Out Freedom, Responsibility and the Dignity of Humankind
Father Chet, 1974 (republished June 8, 2023)
Living Out Freedom and Responsibility in the Midst of Complexity
Father Chet, 1974 (republished August 7, 2023)
Living Out Freedom and Responsibility: From Death to Life
Father Chet, 1974 (republished October 5, 2023)
Being Open to the Comings of Jesus This Day
Father Chet, 2004 (republished December 9, 2023)
2022 Messages
Faith, Hope, and Charity: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Father Chet, 1996 (republished February 6, 2022)
Deepening Your Prayer Life: All that I Am
Father Chet, 1979 (republished April 5, 2022)
Deepening Your Prayer Life: The Practice of Prayer
Father Chet, 1979 (republished June 7, 2022)
United Under Our Father: Meditation on the Lord's Prayer
Father Chet, 1977 (republished August 9, 2022)
Who Art in Heaven: Meditation on the Lord's Prayer, Part II
Father Chet, 1977 (republished October 16, 2022)
Give the Gift of Prayer this Christmas
Father Chet, 1999 (republished December 4, 2022)
2021 Messages
Change: Knowledge, Resistance & Resilience
Father Chet, February 1, 1975 (republished Feb. 1, 2021)
Holy Week: The Redemptive Value of Suffering
Father Chet, Holy Week 1969 (republished March 30, 2021)
What are We Doing About Social Development?
Father Chet, June 15, 1971 (republished June 2, 2021)
A Crossroads: Unity in the Catholic Church (Part I)
Father Chet, March 31, 1973 (republished August 15, 2021)
A Crossroads: Holding onto Truth (Part II)
Father Chet, March 31, 1973 (republished October 2, 2021)
Advent A Gift of Time
Father Chet, Christmas 1992 (republished December 11, 2021)
2020 Messages
Evils in Our Present Day of Life: Indifference
May 1, 1969 (republished Aug. 7, 2020)
Our Personal Challenge: Meeting the Needs of Our Times
February 1, 1969 (republished Oct. 4, 2020)
Honoring the Incarnation of God
December 1991 (republished Dec. 3, 2020)